How do meetings work?


Since many people do not know the StuPa, here is some information about the meetings and the submission of TOPs (agenda items) in general:

Regular meetings of the StuPa usually take place every fortnight during the lecture period. The meetings are open to the public, i.e. every registered student is invited, can take part and has the right to speak and make motions (see also How To: TOPs). However, only the elected representatives, i.e. the StuParier*innen, are entitled to vote. They are therefore obliged to be present at all meetings.

The agenda of an ordinary meeting usually includes the following items:

  1. Welcome and formalities In this agenda item, the meeting is officially started, formalities are clarified and a minute taker is appointed. Furthermore, amendments to the agenda can be submitted. Afterwards, the agenda is voted on. In addition, minutes of previous meetings are voted on in this agenda item.
  2. Reports and enquiries: This is mainly where the AStA, but also the StuPa, university groups and projects, as well as individuals, report on what has happened in terms of university politics.
  3. … (for example, requests for payments from university groups)
  4. Dates and miscellaneous: In this agenda item, dates are exchanged which are interesting for both students and university politics.

The TOPs in between are variable and depend on what concerns have been submitted. Often it is about the student budget, i.e. the administration of funds, questions about the statutes, resolutions and positions on certain topics.

During the meeting, the presidium gives the floor in the order of the speaking list. The chair of the meeting keeps a FINTA* and an open speaking list. Therefore, before the start of the meeting, participants are asked who feels they belong to which list.

Minutes are taken during the meeting. The minutes should reflect the content of the speeches (not verbatim) and record motions, proposers and voting results. In order to ensure the accuracy of the contributions, the minutes are sent to all those present (including guests if requested) in order to introduce requests for changes, and are usually voted on at the following meeting. Afterwards, they are made available to all students. You can find the logs here. To view them, you must log in with your university ID (button at the top right).